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Fünf Argumente dafür, dass die Menschheit Altruismus und Humor nicht nur zum Überleben braucht, sondern bereits besitzt - systemische Sicht einer FamilientherapeutinJosie Michel-Brüning
Wegen meiner familientherapeutischen Ausbildung gilt mein Hauptinteresse der Chemie menschlicher Beziehungen. Einer unserer Pioniere der Wissenschaft, Albert Einstein, griff eine Erkenntis von Aristoteles wieder auf: "Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile."1;) Diese Erkenntnis hatte während des 20. Jahrhunderts zunehmenden Einfluss auf Kreise der Wissenschaft. Wir können sie auf den menschlichen Körper, seinen Verstand und seine Gefühle, sowie auf menschliche Beziehungen übertragen. ;2) Sie spiegelt sowohl das Dasein der Quarks innerhalb des Atoms als auch die unseres Planeten auf seiner Spiralbahn innerhalb der Milchstraße unseres Universums wider. ;3)
Systemisch in Kontexten zu denken, bedeutet zirkulär bzw. in Spiralen zu denken, d.h., nicht nur die Geschichte eines Ereignisses oder einer Person zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch deren Kommunikation und Interaktion, die wiederum entsprechende Veränderungen innerhalb und außerhalb des jeweiligen Ganzen auslösen. Wir können nicht umhin zu kommunizieren. Denn, wenn wir es nicht wollen, ist das auch eine Nachricht an unsere Umgebung. Während wir versuchen zu verstehen, greifen wir durch unsere Sicht der Dinge bereits in das Geschehen ein. Ob wir wollen oder nicht, wir sind ein Teil davon. Dieses Wissen steht im Widerspruch zu dem, was meine Generation und sogar noch meine Kinder auf der Schule lernten, wobei meistens ein Gegenstand vom anderen getrennt behandelt wurde. ;4)
In Kontexten zu denken, steht im Widerspruch zum vorherrschenden [logisch-linearen, bzw. eindimensionalen] Denken innerhalb unserer westlichen Tradition, die in der Maxime der alten Römer gipfelte: "Teile und Herrsche!" [Divide et impera] und damit eine Wertehierarchie aufstellte, bei der auf die Selbsterhaltung, der Sozialdarwinismus folgt, der wiederum Rassismus und Faschismus auslöst, die sogar die Keimzellen der Gesellschaft zerstören, die Familien. Unsere Voraussetzungen sind:
Zur Erklärung: Ich wurde von den Cuban Five dazu angeregt, als ich nach 5 Argumenten suchte und sie dann auch leicht fand.
Fig.: 2) Gerardo Hernández Nordelo: "El Amor y el Humor....".
Ihre Korrespondenz mit immer mehr Menschen stiftet Solidarität und Freundschaft zwischen Menschen, die sich nie getroffen oder noch weniger ihre jeweilige Kraft mit einander verbunden hätten, um die Mauer des Schweigens um die Fünf zu durchbrechen, um sie zu rehabilitieren und um einander schließlich bei der Feier des gemeinsamen Erfolges umarmen zu können. ;18) Über 240 Komitees auf der Erde kämpfen zur Zeit um ihre Rehabilitation und Freiheit. Schlussfolgerung:
Wir haben fünf Anlässe zur Hoffnung, sie heißen:
Zuletzt möchte ich meinen Ehemann Dirk zitieren, der auf dem diesjährigen Moncada-Fest in Bonn sagte: "Wenn es uns gelingt, die Cuban Five zu rehabilitieren, dann rehabilitieren wir gleichzeitig Kuba"..."Jeder Mensch, der von sozialer Gerechtigkeit träumt, von einer solidarischen Gesellschaft, braucht ‚das sozialpolitische Forschungslabor, Kuba' wie Heinz Dieterich Stefan es einmal nannte," wo trotz der Bedrohung und Beschränkungen von außen und den entsprechenden Verletzungen und Beeinträchtigungen im Inneren, "experimentell bewiesen wird, dass seine Träume wahr werden können." Lassen Sie uns bitte, der ausgezeichneten Idee des bekannten US-Soziologen, James Petras, folgen, die Fünf für den Friedensnobelpreis vorzuschlagen. ;20) Danke für Ihre Gastfreundschaft. References (Quellenverzeichnis): 1 ) according to Haja Molter, Dipl. Psychologist and teacher of family therapy, at "Molter-Eberbach-Fortbildungen" in 1988- 1989, Albert Einstein, most famous for his theory of relativity, quoted Aristoteles; 2 ) compare to Niklas Luhmann, sociologist (1927-1998), author, respresentative of the social scientific systemical theory at the university as professor in Bielefeld, Germany, he transferred the science of cybernetics to society; compare to Gregory Bateson: "Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution and Epistemelogy" 1972 by Chandler Publishing Company; 3 ) US-American scientists Politzer, Wilczek and Gross were the winners of Noble Prize of Physics in October, 2004, for having discovered the exchanges of quarks as responsible for the cohesiv strength within the atom 30 years ago;
4 ) compare to Paul Watzlawick et al., "Pragmatics of Human Communication. A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies, and Paradoxes. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York 1967; Watzlawik/Weakland/Fisch: "Change. Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. New York 1974; 5) during a psychology seminar at "Pädagogische Hochschule", Munster, in autumn 1976, Professor Walter Schurian told about this publication of Paul D. McLean, leader then of the Institute for Brain Research in Washington; quotations of McLean in: Daniel Goleman, "Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ", Bantam Books, New York " 1995, first German edition in 1997, see esp. Chapter 2 and "Harmony and thinking" p.48-49 and appendix, p. 398 in German edition 1997; Carl Sagan: "Cosmos" Randam House, Inc., New York, 1980 by Carl Sagan Productions, Inc.; Referring to Paul D. McLean Daniel Goleman confirms the ideas of Immanuel Kant in "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" [Critics of Pure Ratio], without mentioning Kant's philosophy, compare to 10; 6 ) Compare to methods of relaxation of Edmund Jacobson (Progressive Muscle Relaxation), Heinrich Johannes Schultz (Autogenes Training) - both of them developed their methods in the "twenties" of the 20th century - and to Brian M. Alman and Peter T. Lambrou: "Selfhypnosis. The Complete Manual for Health and Self-Change", German Edition: 1995 ISBN 3-927809-34-9; 7 ) Arnold Gehlen: "Urmensch und Spätkultur", Frankfurt 1965; Margaret Mead: "Continuities in Cultural Evolution", 1964; 8 ) Rats had returned to the Bikini Atoll after nuclear bombing experiments there by the USA from about 1946-54, before human being could have had a chance to survive there, as it turned out. Furthermore, according to Walter Schurian (mentioned above) rats transfer their instrumental knowledge to their descendants, and they even inform their fellows, before dying, after having eaten a lethal dose of poison, not to eat from this. 9 ) René Descartes 1596-1650, French philosopher; to the role of emotions in rationally thinking: Antonio R. Damasio, "Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, New York: G.P. Putnams' Sons 1994; 10 ) Immanuel Kant, (1724-1804) German philosopher, one of his publications: "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" [Critics of Pure Ratio], among others he created the "kathegorischen Imperativ": "Handle nur nach derjenigen Maxime, durch die du zugleich wollen kannst, dass sie allgemeines Gesetz werde." [You should act following the maxim, by which you could want, it would become general law.] 11 ) Karl Marx, (1818-1883), German philosopher and politician cooperating with his friend Friedrich Engels, numerous publications, most famous "Das kommunistische Manifest" and "Das Kapital", most famous book of Friedrich Engels: "Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats" [The origin of the family, of the private property and of the state]. 12 ) Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), national socialist politician, when wanting to become an artist in painting, the academy of Vienna refused his requests to study there twice: in 1907/08. After having participated at I. World War, he joined German National Socialist Party. His coup against state failed in 1923. He was convicted to 5 years imprisonment then, but released already at the end of 1924. Finally, he was sponsored by big business and armaments industry, like Krupp, Bohlen und Halbach, even US-American armaments industry made their profit by dealing with Hitler, like the grandfather of George W. Bush. There was a sinister liaison of capital owners, megalomania and disappointed, badly educated people suffering from disinformation (but most of them seemed to have realized, what was going on, nevertheless) leading into II. World War. The balance of horror according to Professor Christian Meyer, who had been quoted by Peter Nemetschek (Dipl. Psychologist, Hypno- and Family Therapist) in 1997 at the "Kindertagung" [Children Congress] of the Milton-Erickson-Institute, Heidelberg: 55 Million dead people, among them 20 Million Russians; victims of Holocaust: nearly 6 Million, most of them Jewish. After the war, 200,000 Germans were found guilty of having directly participated at those murders, but only 12,000 of them were sentenced by trials. Until now, the survivors of the Holocaust have to fight for reparation, and former resistant fighters are still fighting for their rehabilitation by German society. In addition, they are warning people not to let happen such circumstances again. One of the German survivors of the Holocaust is, for instance, Esther Bejerano (Artist, Chairwoman of the Ausschwitz Committee of Federal Republic Germany [BRD], member of the international Ausschwitz Committee), see Esther Bejerano/Birgit Gärtner, "Wir leben trotzdem" [We are alive, nevertheless!], 2004, Pahl-Rugenstein, IBSN 3-89144-353-6. One of the still alive resistance fighters is Peter Gingold (Speaker of the Association of Antifascists [VVN], vice-president of Ausschwitz Committee, speaker of German Association in the Resistance and Movement Free Germany [DRAFD]. Since summer 2004, Esther Bejerano and Peter Gingold belong to the supporters of our committee to free the five, officially. They seemed to have felt inspired to support the Cuban Five after having read about attorney Rafael Rodríguez's visit to René González Sehwerert at 26th of May in 2004 this year by the interview of Graciela Ramírez, which was translated in to German then. Rafael Rodríguez Cruz is member of the Rosenberg foundation for children. He published an advertisement in "The Nation" in favour of the visiting rights in prison for Olga Salanueva, wife of René and their six years old daughter Ivette, and Adriana Pérez, wife of Gerardo Hernández Nordelo at October 4, 2004. Comment to "fig.: 1)": "The cruelty was stronger than any culture" compare to Alexander Mitscherlich, "Aggression und Anpassung" [Aggression and Accommodation] in: "Freiheit eine Utopie? Ausgewählte Schriften 1946 bis 1974", S. 209 f [Freedom an Utopia? Selected Writings from 1946 to 1974, page 209 f] versus Ernst Bloch, "Das Prinzip Hoffnung." [The Principle of Hope], 3 volumes of the German philosopher, first edited by Suhrkamp, Frankfurt in 1959;
13 ) "José Martí, *Havana in January 28, 1853, he died fighting against the Spanish colonialism in May 19, 1895 at Boca de Dos Rios (Cuba); he lived among others in Spain, Paris, Mexico, Guatemala, New York and Venezuela; he was a restless fighter for Cuban independency. He distinguished on lyrical poems (among others Ismaelillo, 1882; "Versos sencillos", 1891), ("Amistad funesta", 1885) dramas (among others "Abdala", 1869), numerous articles, critical studies and a comprehensive correspondence. Today he is regarded in Cuba as the first outraging ideologist of the anti-imperialistic fight in Latin America." (Compare to Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon, Band 15, translated from German into English by J.Michel-Brüning) 14 ) Referring to the "high need" of the Cuban Revolution after having been victorious in 1959: The former Batista-regime, which had been a regime of US-American fruit companies at the same time, caused 20,000 dead and disappeared people. Cuba had at least 30 % illiterate persons then. Healthcare had been reserved for the rich, (compare to Jean A. Dumur, Cuba, editor: Charles-Henri Favrod, edition Rencontre 1962, German translation by Heinrich Steyer); 15 ) see Matth. 7,16. 16 ) compare to: Arnold August, "Democracy in Cuba and the 1997-98 Elections", 1999, Editorial José Martí, Canada-Cuba Distribution, P.O. Box 55025, Succ. Fairmount, Montreal Canada, H2T 2 M8, ISBN - 0-9685084-0-5; The Canadian author was one of the international observers of Cuban elections and he researched thoroughly and describes extensively the Cuban participative democracy, its history and its election system.
17 ) My highly appreciated teachers by literature and Videotapes:
18 ) One of the greatest successes of the international cooperation was the full-page advertisement in "The New York Times" published at March 3, 2004. We collected worldwide about $ 50,000 for its funding. Another full-page advertisement could be published in "El Diario La Prensa", the oldest US-American news paper in Spanish language, at June 7, 2004 because of that. 19 ) Extensive reports about the Cuban Five and their beloved ones, their history, their unjustified trial in Miami, their speeches for their defence, articles and public speeches of their attorneys for their defence, their support by outraging people you can read for instance at www.freethefive.org, www.antiterroristas.cu and www.miami5.de (German); 20 ) James Petras published his article at May 12, 2004 in Rebelión. At The 14th of May, it was published in German at www.miami5.de. Günter Belchaus, a member of the German committee ¡Basta ya! wrote to four Noble Prize winners, as to Roberta Menchú, Adolfo Pérez Esquível, Gabriel García Márquez and Nadine Gordimer, asking them to support the idea of James Petras.
Deutsch: ¡Basta Ya! |
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