International Commission for the Right of Family Visits
P.O. Box 22455, Oakland, CA, 94609 United States
U.S. Department of State
c/c United Nation Human Right Commission Sehr geehrte Frau Clinton,
wir, die Unterzeichner dieses Briefes, ersuchen das U.S.-Außenministerium, das U.S.-Justizministerium und das U.S.-Innenministerium in aller Höflichkeit darum, den kubanischen Bürgerinnen Olga Salanueva und Adriana Pérez, den jeweiligen Ehefrauen der Häftlinge in Bundesgefängnissen René González und Gerardo Hernández, umgehend Humanitäre Einreisevisa zu gewähren, denen ohne jegliche rechtlich fundierte Begründung die Besuchsmöglichkeit ihrer inhaftierten Ehemänner seit 9 bzw. 10 Jahren vorenthalten wird.
Außerdem haben am 9, August des selben Jahres drei Richter des "Atlanta Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals" [Berufungsgericht] ihre Strafen aufgehoben und ein neues Verfahren gefordert. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Father François Houtart, Priest and sociologist, Director of the Centre Tricontinental, Belgium/ Venezuela/Bolivia; Eloi Glorieux, Member of the Flemish Parliament; Alfredo Vera Arrata, Former Ministry of Education, Writer and Journalist, Ecuador, Egypt; Sami Nair, Sociologist, Philosopher, France; Hildebrando Pérez Grande, Poet and Writer, Casa de las Américas Prize, Peru; Marco Rizzo, Member of the European Parliament, member of the RREE Comm. of the PE, Italy; Pablo González Casanova, Sociologist, 2003 UNESCO International Prize José Martí, Mexico; Istvan Meszáros, Philosopher, writer, Hungry; Marco Martos Carrera, President of the Peruvian Academy of Language, Peru; Manuel Bonmati, International Policies Secretary of the General Workers Union (UGT), Spain; Joseba Echevarría, Secretary of the International Commission of the General Workers Union (UGT), Spain; Alfonso Sastre, Dramaturge, Spain; Howard Zinn, Historian, United States; Alice Walker, Writer, United States; Deputy Víctor Chirinos, Pte. Of the Venezuelan Parliamentary Group of the Latin American Parliament and Vice-president of the Latina American Parliament; Elmar Rojas, Former Culture Minister, Guatemala; Noam Chomsky, Linguist and Writer, United States; Reverend Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, United States; Michael Parenti, Ph.D., author and scholar, United States; Eloi Glorieaux, Member of Flemish Parliament; Ignacio Ramonet, Journalist and Writer, Spain/ France; Deputy Emil Guevara Muñoz, Latin American Parliament Deputy and Coordinator of the National Movement of Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Venezuela-Cuba, Venezuela; Demir Rafael Chávez González, Adviser Minister of the Embassy of Bolivia in Cuba; Diputado Amilcar Figueroa, Latin American Parliament Alternate President, Venezuela; Beinusz Szmukler, President of the Associations of Buenos Aires Lawyers (AABA), Argentina; Eva-Britt Svensson, European Parlament, Sweeden; Salvador Sánchez Cerén, Nacional Deputy, El Salvador; Cuauhtémoc Amescua Dromundo, Deputy, professor of Political Sciences in the Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico; Father Benjamin Forcano, Theologian and Priest, Spain; Danny Rivera, Musician, Founder of the International School of Plastic Arts and Music, Puerto Rico; Estella Carlotto, President of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Argentina; Hebe de Bonafini, President of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Argentina; Nora Cortiñas, President of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora, Argentina; Stella Calloni, Journalist and Writer, Argentina; Fray Antonio Puigjané, Franciscan Priest of the Cappuccinos Order, Argentina; Father Raúl Lugo Rodríguez, Catolic Priest, México; Kurt De Loor, Member of the Flemish Parliament, Belgium; Atilio Borón, Sociologist, Member of the International Directory of the Council of Social Sciences at the UNESCO, Argentina; Rafael Chávez, Consul of Bolivia in Cuba, Bolivia; Khaled Salama, Member of the National Palestinian Council, Palestina; Rosario Valenzuela Sotomayor, Writer, Bolivia; Bart Staes, Member of the European Parliament; Deputy Marelis Pérez Marcano, National Assembly, Venezuela; Antonio Peredo Leigue, National Senator, Bolivia; Emir Sader, Executive Secretary CLACSO (Latin American Social Sciences Council, Brazil; Marilia Guimarães, Writer, Member of the Brazilian Chapter on Defense of Humanity, Brazil; William Sloan, President of the Association of American Jurists (Canada branch), Canada; Arnold August, Author, Canada; James Cockcroft, Author, Canada; David Suzuky, President The David Suzuki Foundation, 1976 Order of Canada Officer, Canada; Father Ernesto Cardenal, Catholic Priest and Writer, Nicaragua; Hugo Gutierrez, Human Rights lawyer, (Pinochet case), Arcis Law School professor, Chile; Pablo Guyasamin Monteverde, President Guayasamín Foundation, Ecuador; Marco Antonio Toscano Arroyo, University Professor of Administrative Science, Ecuador; Dax Toscano Segovia, University Professor and Journalist, Ecuador; Juan Carranza, Jurist, El Salvador; Leonel González, Professor, FMLN Deputy, El Salvador; Roland Weil, Jurist, France; Ramon Chao, Journalist, Writer, France; Hernando Calvo Ospina, Journalist, Writer, France; Salim Lamrani, Professor, Writer and Journalist, France; Günter Belchaus, Jurist, former Assessor of the German Democratic Republic Ministry of Justice, Germany; Father Geoffrey Bottoms, Catholic Priest, Great Britain; István Meszáros, Philosofer and writer, Hungry; Domenico Losurdo, Philosopher, Italy; Matteo Carbonelli, General Secretary of the "Legal Union per la Tutela dei Diritti dell'Uomo", Professor of International Rights, Italy; Bianca Pitzorno, Writer, Italy; Gilberto López y Rivas, Professor-Researcher of the National Institute of History and Anthropology, writer of La Jornada, Mexico; Hilda Venegas Negrete, Vice-president of the National Network of Leftist Lawyers of Mexico, President of the AC Women for Democracy, Mexico; Luis Hernández Navarro, Opinion Co-editor of "La Jornada" newspaper, México; Father Raul Lugo Rodriguez, Catholic Priest, Mexico; Father Uriel Molina, Catholic Priest, Nicaragua; Hidelbrando Pérez Grande, Poet and Writer Casa de las Américas Prize, Peru; Gustavo Espinoza, Former Congressman of Peru, former General Secretary of the Central of Peruvians Workers, Peru; Rafael Cancel Miranda, Latin American patriots, Independentist leader and Poet (imprisoned for 25 years) , Puerto Rico; Pablo Marcano Garcia, painter, Puerto Rico; Gervasio Morales Rodríguez, Director of the Porto Rican Weekly "Claridad" , Puerto Rico; Javier Sádaba, Philosopher, Spain; Belen Gopegui, Writer, Spain; Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, Professor of International Private Law at the University of Granada, Spain; Manuel Talens, Writer, Spain; Carlos Martinez, Editor of "Rebelion", Spain; Santiago Alba Rico, Writer, Spain; Juan Madrid, Novelist, Historian, Movie Director, Spain; Juan Kalvellido, Cartoonist and Drawer, Spain; Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Former Bishop of Detroit, United States; Danny Glover, Actor, United States; Esteban Torres, Former US Congressman, United States; Wayne Smith, Former Chief of the US Interests Section in Havana, Cuba, United States; Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor of Richmond, CA, United States; Angela Davis, Professor of History of Consciousness, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States; Alicia Herrera, Journalist and Writer, Venezuela; Lic. Stella Lugo de Montilla, First Lady of the Falcon State and President of the Council of First Bolivarian Ladies of the State, Venezuela; Paul Bekaert, Member of the Board of the Human Rights League and President of the Bruges Lawyers Association, Belgium; Demir Rafael Chavez Gonzalez, Diplomat, Glenys Kinnock Member of the European Parliament, England; Pedro Goldfarb, Professor Hebrew University, Member of the Kibutz itzjak, Israel; Andres Sopeña Monsalve, Writer, Professor of International Private Law of the Granada University, Spain; Joseba Echevarria, Coordinator of the International Commission of the General Union of Workers (UGT) Spain; Rosa Regás, Writer, Planeta Award 2001, Award of the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents 2005, Chevalier Order from the Legion d'Honneur of France/Spain; Ignasi Guardans, Member of the European Parliament; Spain, Graciela Rosemblum, President of the League for the Right of the Persons; Carlos Zamorano, Jurist, Secretary of the Association of Human Rights of Bs.As, Argentina; León Rozichtner, Philosopher and Writer, Konex Prize, 2004, Argentina; Yury Kochiyama, long time fighter for Civil Rights, Japan, United States; Loyola Guzmán, Parliamentarian, National Assembly, Bolivia; Rita Mafutti, Writer, Italy. Deutsch ¡Basta Ya! (jmb, db)
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