Mr. Barack Hussein Obama
President of the United States of America
South Capitol Avenue 430 SE
20003. Washington DC
United States
Sehr geehrter Herr Obama,
am vergangenen 30. Oktober, vor Ende der Wahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika richtete sich eine Gruppe peruanischer Intellektueller mit Anliegen an Sie, die wir heute wieder aufgreifen möchten.
Angesichts der internationalen Ereignisse sind wir insbesondere wegen der rücksichtlosen Blockade gegenüber Kuba besorgt und natürlich wegen des Falles der Bürger, René González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero und Fernando González, die seit über zehn Jahren in den Vereinigten Staaten zu Opfern sehr grausamer Strafurteile geworden sind, zu denen sogar zweimal lebenslängliche gehören, für Verbrechen, die sie nicht begangen haben.
Herr Präsident, die Unterzeichner dieses Anschreibens erneuern im Bewusstsein der heute verschärften internationalen Lage aufgrund der ernsten wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Krise ihr Ersuchen, die ungerechtfertigte Blockade gegenüber Kuba zu beenden sowie die fünf kubanischen Patrioten unverzüglich aus dem Gefängnis freizulassen, die vor zehn Jahren als Opfer eines fehlerhaften Prozesses und inhumaner Strafurteile eingekerkert wurden.
Wie Ihnen in der Nachricht vom 30. Oktober mitgeteilt wurde, sind es unschuldige Menschen, die in ihrem Land versucht haben, Informationen zu sammeln, die zur Verhütung und Vermeidung von Terroranschlägen auf ihr Land und auch zur Rettung von Leben amerikanischer Bürger genutzt werden konnten, während die Welt in Ländern mit anderen Bedingungen terroristische Anschläge verurteilt.
Wir hoffen aufrichtig, dass Ihre Administration im Interesse der Sicherheit derer, die in höchster Not sind, zum Pfad der Fairness zurückkehrt und den Pfad zugunsten der Menschlichkeit einschlägt.
Lima, 20. Januar 2009
Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens, Künstler und Intellektuelle
Deutsch: ¡Basta Ya! (jmb)
Mr. Barack Houssein Obama
President of the United States of America
South Capitol Avenue 430 SE 20003. Washington DC United States
Dear Mr. Obama,
Last October 30, before the end of the elections in the United States of America, a group of Peruvian intellectuals addressed you in terms we would like to ratify today.
Regarding the international arena, we are particularly concerned by the ruthless blockade against Cuba and certainly by the case of citizens; Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez, imprisoned for over ten years in the United States, the victims of very cruel sentences, which even include two life terms, for crimes they did not commit.
Mr. President, the signatories to this missive, mindful of today s aggravated international arena as a result of the severe economic and social crises, renew our request to end the unwarranted blockade against Cuba, as well as the immediate release from prison of the five Cuban patriots, imprisoned ten years ago, the victims of a flawed legal process and inhuman sentences.
As you were informed in the message of October 30, they are innocent people who were in your country trying to gather information that could be used to prevent and avoid terrorist crimes against their country and also to preserve the lives of American citizens and from other countries who have been, in different circumstances, the victims of terrorist crimes the world condemns.
We sincerely hope that your administration returns to the path of fairness for the sake of those in greatest need and takes a pacifist path in favor of humanity.
Sincerely yours
Lima, January 20, 2009
Eminent people, artists and intellectuals:
Víctor Delfin, sculptor; Arturo Corcuera, poet; Marco Martos C, Ex Dean of the Facultad de Letras de San Marcos and poet; Delfina Paredes, actress; Jose Luis Ayala, writer and journalist; Etna Velarde, artist; Maximo Damian, musician; Reinaldo Naranjo, poet; Bruno Portuguez, artist; Eduardo Arroyo, writer; Rossina Valcárcel, poet; Tomas Escajadillo, writer; Fanny Palacios Izquierdo, artist; Federico Garcia, filmmaker; Gustavo Espinoza M., ex-member of parliament and journalist; Hildebrando Perez Grande, poet and university lecturer;
Winston Orrillo L. winner of the National Journalism Prize and poet; Lesli Lee,
Carmela Sifuentes, President of CGTP; Julio Castro Gomez, physician and ex-member of parliament; Cesar Kruger, ex-dean of arts in San Marcos; Gorki Tapia, anthropologist, head of arts department in San Marcos; Mario Huaman R., Secretary General of CGTP;
Ruben Olivares Zuniga, trade union leader; Rosa Maria Mosquera, communicator; Violeta Carnero de Valcercel, journalist; Carlos Ortiz Cornejo, Instituto Laboral Andino; Hector Bejar, sociologist; Manuel Lajo, ex-member of parliament; Asuncion Caballero Mendez, physician; Vilma Garcia, journalist; Kennet Delgado, ex-postgraduate course director in San Marcos; Luis Garate, journalist; Denis Moreno, journalist; Alberto Villa Gomez, artist and professor at San Marcos; Alberto Vega Tapia, journalist editor; Roque Gonzales La Rosa, journalist; Walter Palacios Vinces, journalist; Marcela Perez Silva, singer-songwriter and journalist; Pedro Lovaton Sarco anthropologist, Director of the communication department in San Marcos; Jorge Acuna, actor; Atilio Bonilla; filmmaker, Master in communication; Andres Paredes Luyo, university teacher; Nadia Podleskis, university lecturer; Gustavo Baca Corzo, writer and university lecturer; Alejandra Ramirez Orihuela, youth leader; Manuel Mosquera, anthropologist and journalist; Yazmin Diaz, political journalist; Victor Antay, employee at the Communication School in San Marcos; Edgardo de Habich, ambassador; Eduardo Gonzales Viana, novelist; Juan Cristobal Winner of National Poetry Prize; Ivan Salas Rodriguez, sociologist; Ernesto Toledo Bruckman, journalist; Linda Lema, anthropologist; Alvaro Vidal Rivadeneyra, physician and ex-health minister; Yuri Castro, Secretary General of the Instituto Peruano Coreano; Zenon Fuentes Catillo, trade union leader; Mary Soto writer, journalist; Tania Temoche, journalist; Luis Yanez, poet; Julio Carmona, poet; Jimmy Calla, poet, master leader; Juan Benavente, poet; Manuel Cabanillas; photographer; Eduardo Arroyo, anthropologist, poet; Emelda Zegarra, attorney; Raymundo Prado, university lecturer; Luis Arana Seguin, journalist, writer; Oscar Corcuera, national painter; Ricardo Letts Colmenares, political leader; Carlos Ostolaza, national painter; Jose Beltran Pena, national poet; Jorge Aliaga, writer and journalist; Pilar Roca, filmmaker; Jose Ramos Bosmediano, ex-secretary general of SUTEP; Roberto de la Cruz, Secretary General of PCP; Gustavo Retis, Organization Secretary of PCP; Nilver Lopez, President of MNI; Alberto Moreno Rojas, Secretary General of PC del P. Patria Roja; Rolando Brena leader of Patria Roja , Tany Valer Lopera, political leader and ex-member of parliament, Lourdes Brukman MNI leader, Ibis Fernandez MNI leader, Yomar Melendez, MNI leader;
Oscar Felipe Ventura MNI leader; Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, President of FOCEP; Katty Campos, leader of FOCEP ; Rita Rojas, women s leader; Americo Monge Abad, provincial mayor of Tayacaja Huancavelica; Jorge Angel Almidon Elescano, Head of the academic department of electronics at the faculty of electronic and systems of the Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica in the Province of Tayacaja; Susan Portocarrero, trade union leader; Carlos Torres, secretary general of the Federacion Grafica del Peru;
Olmedo Auris, Vice President of CGTP; Michael Games, President of FEP; Winston Huaman, Chartered Secretary General of CITE; Luis Ruiz President of FENTUP; Gloria Perez, Secretary General of CGTP in Callao, Walter Cartolín, journalist; Francisco Federico del Carpio, journalist; Pedro Moreano, professor (signatures follow).
Political Parties:
Movimiento Nueva Izquierda (MNI), FOCEP, PSR, PNP, PC del P, Patria Roja, PCP, PS,
Mass Organizations and groups:
Confederacion General de Trabajadores del Peru (CGTP), (General Workers Confederation of Peru), Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), (Central labor union) Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores de la Educacion (SUTEP), (Union of education workers), Federacion de Trabajadores en Construccion Civil (Federation of Civil Construction Workers), Confederacion Campesina del Peru Cercado de Lima, ( Farmers Confederation of Peru, Lima District), Velasquista National Coordinator, Agora popular de la plaza San Martin, Frente de Defensa del distrito de Aguaycha- Tayacaja - Huancavelica, Colectivo Nuestra Bandera.
Organizations of solidarity with Cuba.
Ancash: CAPC Huaraz, Fidel Castro Recuay, Jose Marti- Nuevo Chimbote; Abancay: Apurimac, Andahuaylas; Arequipa: CAPC Arequipa, Mariano Melgar, Ayacucho: CAPC Huamanga, Fundacion Mariategui; Cajamarca: CAPC Jose Marti Cajabamba; Cusco: CAPC Cusco, CAPC Pueblo Unido; Huancavelica: CAPC Aguaycha-Tayacaja, CAPC Huancavelica, CAPC Jose Carlos Mariategui, CAPC Ernesto Che Guevara; CAPC Acobamba; Huanuco: CAPC Huanuco; Ica: CAPC Chincha, CAPC Che Guevara de Pisco, CAPC Raul Porras Barrenechea de Pisco, CAPC de Ica; Junin: CAPECU Lucio Galvan Hidalgo - Huancayo, CAPC Chupaca, CAPC Daniel Alcides Carrión ,CAPC Jose Marti, APAFAESCUBA Huancayo, CAPC Juan Santos Atahualpa-Mazamari - Satipo; La Libertad: CAPC Trujillo, CAPC Chepen; Lambayeque: CAPC Lambayeque, CAPC Chiclayo, CAPC Monsefú, Sectorial femenino -Chiclayo; Loreto: CAPC Frank País - Iquitos, CAPC Camilo cien Fuegos Iquitos; Piura: CAPC Luciano Castillo Colonn -Sullana, CAPC Castilla, CAPC Sechura, CAPC Tambo Grande, CAPC Piura, CAPC Morropón; San Martín: CAPC Tarapoto, CAPC Moyabamba, CAPC Rioja, CAPC Soritor, CAPC Habana; Ucayali: CAPC Pucallpa; Puno: San Roman - Juliaca, CAPC Azangaro, CAPC Huamane; CAPC Ayaviri, CAPC Sandia, CAPC Ilave. CAPC Andahuaylas; CAPC Madre de Dios; CAPC Huaral
Lima: Ate Vitarte: CAPC Arcadio Hurtado - Andres Vilela; El Agustino: CAPC Abel Santamaria; Barrios Altos: CAPC Camilo Cienfuegos; Brena: CAPC Jose Marti - Jose Maria Arguedas, Callao: CAPC Callao - Cuba; Carabayllo: CAPC Carabayllo; Cercado de Lima: CAPC José Marti, CAPC Lazaro Pena; Comas: CAPC Simon Bolivar, CAPC Daniel Alcides Carrion, CAPC Carapongo; Chaclacayo: CAPC Nana, Chorrillos: CAPC los 5 Patriotas; Huacho: CAPC Antonio Núñez Jiménez; Huaycan: CAPC 26 de Julio; Huarochirí: CAPC Manco Inca Yupanqui; Independencia: CAPC Vilma Espín, Jesús Maria: CAPC Jesus Maria; Lince: CAPC Movimiento Comunitario Alfa y Omega _ Lince; La Molina: CAPC La Molina; Lurin: CAPC Julian Jayo; Los Olivos: CAPC Javier Heraud; Pueblo Libre: CAPC del Pueblo libre; Puente Piedra: CAPC Alejandro Romualdo; La Victoria: CAPC Cesar Vallejo, CAPC Alfredo Torero - Tupac Amaru - San Luís - La victoria; Rimac: CAPC 1º de enero,13 de agosto; S.J. Lurigancho: CAPC Leoncio Prado; San Martin De Porres: CAPC Jose Maiia Arguedas; San Miguel: CAPC Juan Velasco Alvarado; Surquillo: CAPC El Reducto Nº 5; Surco: CAPC Monterrico Surco; SJ Miraflores: CAPC San Juan de Miraflores; Santa Anita: Ángel Buesa; Villa El Salvador: CAPC Unión de la America Bolivariana; Asociación Cultural Perú - Cuba Vitarte; Asociacion Juvenil Julio A. Mella- Carabayllo; Asociacion Juvenil Ernesto Che Guevara; Comite Peruano de Solidaridad con los 5, Comite Juvenil de Solidaridad.